The UK Crossroads of Democracy: A Battle Between Freedom and Authoritarianism – July 4th, 2024.
Why was the potential nuclear WWIII with Russia, a war no one wants, voted for, or supports, not a primary focus in the UK general election debates?
Nigel Farage's Reform Party is the only party in this election not beholden to special interests or controlled by ‘the blob.’ His party will provide genuine opposition, representing the people in a way they have never experienced before, capable of delivering the changes our country needs. A Vote for Reform is a vote for the badly needed change the UK needs now.
It's not only UK politics that needs ‘Reform’; it's our media, too. The untrustworthy mainstream media had a heyday with its usual slanderous attacks on Nigel Farage and his party. Watch this repulsive clip of Sky's Gurpreet Narwan, who seems to justify the attack on Farage (Here). Coverage of the Reform Party by the highly biased far-left BBC proved no better. (Here, Here)
The people must demand a return of authentic conservative values, cultural traditions, norms, intuitions, civility, and sanity. Our dishonest mainstream has become a true enemy of the people, democratic principles, and our freedoms. 'Woke' must be relegated to history's dustbin.
We must summarily dismiss the Uniparty—We must demand solutions from leaders with A-Z accountability. We must not accept continued lies, soundbites, broken promises, ‘Blob’ agencies, and biased regulators such as OFCOM and MHRA, who all act against the public interest.
Voters must ask two questions: Are we better off today than five years ago when Boris Johnson's Tory Party sold us a manifesto and a BREXIT they never delivered?
Why allow conscription, sending our children to fight in a nuclear WWIII with Russia over the most corrupt dictatorship in the EU, Ukraine?
A Boris Johnson, who did not keep the promises made in his 2019 Tory manifesto, was rolled out in the 11th hour to gaslight and fearmonger the public into voting Tory. Johnson’s disingenuous efforts were pathetic. Pay-to-play Johnson plagiarizes Obama and Clinton election 2024 sound bites of “Saving Democracy” in his recent diatribe. (Here)
At Biden’s (read Obama) behest, Johnson scuppered the March 2022 peace deal between Russia and Ukraine that has brought us to the brink of a nuclear WWIII. Johnson was paid over 8 Million dollars by Military Industrial Complex-funded neoconservative groups in Washington DC's swamp for giving speeches, many of which he never gave.
Politicians must protect and serve the people while addressing the issues impacting "we the people." The media must protect the public interest rather than pander to corporatism and act as the political elite’s lapdog.
An immediate de-escalation of the potential nuclear WWIII with Russia!
Resolving our cost-of-living crisis and soaring food and energy prices while dealing with the highest taxes and interest rates in our lifetime!
We must end reckless fiscal policies and wasteful spending!
Strengthen our NHS!
Rejecting our deceitful media and avoiding involvement in destructive wars like the Obama/Clinton/Biden proxy nuclear WWIII, sacrificing our children.
Over the past decade, our UK Uniparty has failed to resolve any problems impacting ‘we the people.” Mismanagement by 'lifetime politicians' has created and caused all our problems. The policies they implemented are responsible for today's financial crisis and for bringing us to the brink of a nuclear war with Russia over the most corrupt country in Europe. These political hacks need to be swept out of Westminister!
Rishi's snap election only guarantees Stockholm syndrome - more red/blue mismanagement for another five years and a potential nuclear WWIII with Russia.
During last week’s USA debates, it became clear that Team Obama has been running the Joe Biden administration for the past three and a half years. Biden has dementia and is a frail, cognitively impaired empty vessel that Obama is using to implement his policies, including WWIII. In this video clip, Obama says the silent part out loud. (Here)
What was ex-President Obama discussing during his meeting with PM Rishi Sunak (Here, Here) a few weeks before Sunak came up with two plans: 1.) a plan that forces our children into the military, and 2.) a snap election in July before a false flag or further escalation of WWIII? Once again, Obama was interfering in British Politics, as he did with David Cameron before the Brexit referendum.
Maintaining the status quo is unacceptable—we must stop supporting politicians and their mainstream media partners who have repeatedly deceived, gaslit, and failed us.
We can no longer reward the failed politics of yesteryear or phony bait-and-switch manifestos supportive of the re-election of known sell-outs and pay-to-play politicians.
Our dysfunctional mainstream media are no longer fit-for-purpose independent arbitrators of truth who provide fact-based news. They have become political activists whose propaganda megaphones amplify censorship and the fear, hate, and division-based narratives of their political masters, telling audiences what to think and believe.
If anyone dares disagree with the uni party or their mainstream media, they are smeared, canceled, and considered far-right extremists by these cultural Marxists. The media-supported mass censorship and cancel culture model that's enforced by mob rule must end!
International globalism, a Coup d’état, tyranny or Authoritarianism?
It's evident in the past three years an international cabal of deceitful politicians and their political operatives masquerading as mainstream media have conspired to propagandize, gaslight, and sow seeds of discord that divide and brainwash the public with misinformation, disinformation, misinformation, and psychological operations.
Summary: We must return the power of the purse and politics to the people, prioritizing the needs of our citizens—not the wealthy donors, elites, multinational corporations, or the oppressive globalist organizations pushing a one-world government - the WEF or the WHO.